How does it work? 

I use only my hands to make adjustments. I use manipulation techniques with Shiatsu. This creates a gentle non-invasive full body treatment that is adaptable, tailored to the needs of your body and suitable for all ages. 

What to expect in your first visit 

The first treatment consists of three parts: 
Discussing medical history, including lifestyle and habits to discover the root cause of the problem. 
A non-invasive physical examination, including neurological and orthopaedic testing to form a working diagnosis and treatment plan, to be fully discussed before any treatment. 
Treatment or referral, depending on your needs. Treatment is carried out fully clothed so it is advisable to wear comfortable clothing. 
Please allow one hour for the first visit. 

How many sessions are needed? 

The number of sessions needed varies depending on: 
Your age and general state of health 
The nature of the problem 
How long you have had the problem: generally, a recent injury will resolve faster than one of 20 years' standing. 
The initial stage of the treatment usually consists of three to five treatments at weekly intervals, by which time a noticeable change should have occurred. 
After the initial stage, treatments gradually become more widely spaced out depending on the patient's needs. 
Once the problem has been resolved, regular check-ups are recommended to keep the patient's spine and other joints functioning well. 
Follow-up treatments typically take 30 minutes. 
If you would like to book an initial consultation with Yossi, please contact the most convenient treatment centre (details below)